
Thursday, 8 February

Cruising Antarctica, South Shetland Islands – We woke up around 6:30 to find that the fog was much lighter, there were icebergs in sight and we were passing an island. Soon we saw dolphins leaping through the waves, but had no hope of a photo. Later we found out that they were likely porpoising penguins, so learned a little something there. We could see whales spouting in the distance and a seal swam by right beside the ship. While we were enjoying breakfast by a window in the dining room, we entered Admiralty Bay on King George Island, where there are several research stations. Back on our balcony, wearing several layers and wrapped in blankets, we enjoyed all the sights around the bay, including more whales, much closer, 

and seals and likely penguins. The research stations have interesting histories and carry out great scientific work, and represent many different nations. Although there were low-hanging clouds, we were told that this is, in fact, a good-weather day for this area. Lots still to see – spectacular scenery, porpoising penguins, the occasional iceberg…for much of this afternoon we enjoyed the comfort of our suite, playing cards and admiring passing icebergs large and small and distant mountains. At one point the PA system came on to announce nearby whales, which we saw well from our balcony. Late in the afternoon, the bridge received word of a giant tabular iceberg and we diverted course to do a trip around it. It’s estimated to weight ~51 million tons!!Quite the sight! Then on to Deception Island, with a harbour that is the caldera of an active volcano and an inviting entry channel that hides a blockade in the form of a submerged rock. Several research stations and a whaling camp have been there, but most were destroyed by volcanic eruptions over the years. The island also has the largest colony of chinstrap penguins and a population of seals or sea lions. The individuals were barely visible with the binoculars, but we could see the crowds  . Great dinner followed by terrific singers in the lounge. Wonderful day! (Including, btw, another Mensa win and a prize for 3
rd in trivia.)
Pictures of the day

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

  Flying to Argentina: We had no luck checking in for our flights on line, and the site advised us to arrive at the airport early. It was ea...