
Sunday, 11 February

At sea – It seemed fairly calm when we awoke and enjoyed breakfast in our suite.

The morning talk concerned scientific information that was suppressed in the Victorian age, about the sex life of penguins (specifically gay behaviour). More recent research had rediscovered similar results, and the researchers were surprised when the old research surfaced, quite by serendipity. Later in the morning we heard about work being done to ensure that wildlife tourism, such as whale watching, is done in such a way as to avoid disturbing and stressing the wildlife. Much of it has to do with setting tourists’ expectations and letting the wildlife set proximity etc. When we went to lunch the pool water was fairly still and visibility good. When we finished, the pool water was sloshing far up over the sides, we couldn’t see anything outside the windows and the fog horn was blaring. The afternoon entertainment was a screening of March of the Penguins, which certainly added to our understanding of Antarctica and the amazing Emperor penguins. No joy at Mensa or trivia, though we did dispute a couple of answers. By late afternoon, the ocean was really stirred up – lots of whitecaps and blowing spray. It was quite dramatic to watch, but the ship felt steadier than it had the last day or so.
Larry went to the theatre to enjoy the Super Bowl party, while I joined a craft session, met some new ladies and learned a new skill.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

  Flying to Argentina: We had no luck checking in for our flights on line, and the site advised us to arrive at the airport early. It was ea...