
Monday, 19 February

Disembarkation and Santiago – We were out of our suite in plenty of time to enjoy a last breakfast in the dining room. Then we found a comfortable place to sit until our tour was announced. As we were leaving the ship, Larry was called back because we’d left our binoculars in one of the cabinets in our suite. We still were not last to board the bus, so no worries. It was a large, comfortable bus, with a great audio system, so we had no trouble hearing and understanding our guide’s excellent English. The drive from San Antonio, where we docked, to Santiago was about an hour, through agricultural country, including many vineyards. 
It’s great wine country.

First stop was the magnificent cathedral, on the main street of the downtown. It was rebuilt in 1910, after being destroyed a few times by earthquakes and fires. We walked around the main square, with its impressive buildings, and statues of several former presidents. 

The president’s palace is there, too, and heavily guarded. Our lunch stop was at a really-i nteresting modern complex containing several restaurants. At one of them a young man with impeccable English arranged a garlic- and onion-free hamburger for me.

Then we moved into a really cute little ice cream parlor for dessert.

The last stop of the day was a lovely little enclave of artisans’ and artists’ shops on the site of a monastery. We were at the airport 2 hours early for our cleck-in, so found seats (having to shoo a sleeper’s feet off one of them) and waited. Eventually, we checked in and cleared security, only to find that our gate had not been announced and there were no seats available in the central part of the terminal. We wandered along one very long corridor until we found a place to sit. An hour or so later, our gate was announced, ‘way down a different corridor. Lots of walking and lots of waiting. Strangely, as we boarded the plane, our carry-ons were opened and searched on the ramp [drug smuggling check]. The overnight flight went, as they always do, slowly. We took off at about 11pm and they served us dinner at either 11:30 pm or 1:30 am, depending on whether we’d reset our watches. It was quite horrible, except for the little chocolate bars.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

  Flying to Argentina: We had no luck checking in for our flights on line, and the site advised us to arrive at the airport early. It was ea...